Still Life in Red and White, 11.5 x 13. 5, acrylic
Emails are great but when someone takes the time to scratch out a message and mail you a card, you know they care. Sometimes receiving a card is more important than the words inside and, right now in the midst of the pandemic, that might just be the best thing you can do for another person.
Additional paintings and notecards are available for purchase from our store.
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Art Exhibitions and More 2024
Oct 13 - Dec 28 Swords into Ploughshares Gallery, Detroit MI (Theme: Women's Liberation incl work by Kathe Kollwitz)
Oct-Dec Amy VanAndel Library Solo
(Artist reception Oct. 17 from 4:30-7:30pm)
Sept. 20-22, AllArt:Grand Rapids
A curated show with world-famous art hanging next to up-and-coming and established artists. Paintings include such notables as Mark di Suvero, Salvador Dali, Norman Rockwell, Arthur Dove, Robert DeNiro Sr. and others.
Sept. 13-28, ArtPrize - An annual, international art competition in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 12, -June 15 - Festival of the Arts DeVos Place Skywalk
May TerryBerry Gallery Solo
(Artist reception May 3 from 5-7pm)
March 23 Keynote for Kendall College of Art and Design Career Day
March 22 Break It Down, Make It Better
Feb - April Guardian Gallery/GR Solo
Jan - April Neland Ave Church Gallery Solo
Jan 11 Presentation for Grand Valley Artists
Ongoing: All Art Works Online Gallery
Subscribe for up to date info on shows and more
When I live with a painting, I form a relationship with the artist and the piece. I choose pieces that move me, inspire me, surprise me, or, I just can't leave behind. I have lots of paintings by other artists that do that for me on my walls. I hope my pieces do that for you. If not, I hope you keep searching. The artist is out there for you.
Purchase paintings here.
Last Apartment, an installation exhibited at ArtPrize 2018 illuminates my conflicting feelings over my mother's move from independence in her last apartment to an early dementia facility. I admired her indomitable spirit, endless energy and sometimes reckless pursuit of her dreams but mourned her increasing confinement by limitations, both real and imagined.
I'd love to share with you what I've learned. Ask me about half-day and full-day workshops and individual lessons.
"Making art depends upon noticing things — things about yourself, your methods, your subject matter."
Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
Mary Jane studied art at Bennington College, Savannah College of Art and Design, learned from Mary Bentz Gilkerson, Carolyn Fehsenfeld, Tony Couch, Jim Johnson, Wes DeVries, and Stephen Duren. Her work has appeared in Salaan Magazine and The Hopper. She completed an Artist-In-Residence in Petosky, MI in 2015, and have exhibited locally at the Shibui Gallery, Grand Valley Artist's Gallery, Marywood Center, Celebration of the Arts, ArtPrize, All Art Works, and LowellArts Gallery.
Yes and I love to teach so contact me for more information.
5'2" on a good day.
Matisse, Miro, Modigliani
Right here. On this site. You've arrived. Go to the store and, if you don't find it there, contact me. I also have work for sale at the All Art Works Online Gallery.
I'm willing. Yes, let's talk. Contact me.
Yes, I contribute to the All Art Works Newsletter. Go to and sign up!
No idea.